Prevention and treatment methods

Treatment of Thalassemia

Bone marrow transplantation

The bone marrow is the sponge tissue inside the bones, in which all blood cells exiting within are produced from the stem cells.
In bone marrow transplantation, the bone marrow is extracted from a donator whose tissues match the tissues of the patient,which destroys the bone marrow of the infected person with the help of a chemical treatment. The new bone marrow tissues transfered from the donator to the patient, starts producing normal and healthy blood cells.
- The stem cells can be obtained from the blood of the umbilical cord as the blood existing in the umbilical cord and the placenta immediately after the delivery is rich in stem cells which are used as replacement to the bone marrow, therefore, in some cases, the stem cells existing in the blood circulation are used in the transplantation.
Recently, bone marrow transplantation for old patients had been conducted successfully as well as benefit from non-relative international donator.

The Latest Treatment of Thalassemia

Genetic Treatment : This method does not require a donor but it is still in the process of testing.

What are the other Hemoglobin Genetic Diseases?

  • Sickle cell anemia
  • HemoglobinE
  • HemoglobinD
  • HemoglobinC

Howto limit the spread of the disorder ?

- Health Awareness

There are several medical education programs in which visitors are received in the center and a personnel from the center move to all categories of the community to conduct direct awareness lectures to them.

- Medical Consultation & Examination Before Marriage

There are more than four hundred million people all over the world who carry the Minor Thalassemia, representing (4<5%) of the world population and the majority of them are in the developing countries and the number of new minor Thalassemia cases is estimated by more than ten millions cases all over the world.
One in every twelve people in UAE carries Thalassemia characteristic and as the person who carries the characteristic (Minor Thalassemia) does not suffer from any symptoms, it is not possible to limit the spread of Thalassemia unless without a medical test before marriage at a State level is acknowledged as mandatory for all the local citizens and residents in the State.

- Prenatal Diagnosis

The married people who carry the Thalassemia trait can conduct examination in the first twelve weeks of the pregnancy to know the condition of the fetus,whether he/she infected or not?
Pre-Transplant Genetic Examination Using the Characteristic of  Test Tube Baby “Prenatal genetic Diagnosis (PGD)”
While number of ovules is fertilized by the sperm from the husband in a tube, the sound fetuses in the womb of the mother are examined. This process can be used in selecting the sound fetus who is histologically matching the patients who have no matching donator from the family.